Many residential high-rises are built along the waterfront where the sea views are a prime real estate commodity. However, for many residents living in apartment buildings further back, the availability of fresh sea air has become less of a ... The average wind speed of remote Waglan Island in October was 17.6 kilometers per hour, while that in the urban areas like King's Park was only 7.1 kilometers per hour. "The spread of flu, respiratory and heart disease will also be ...
discovery bay is a large private housing bestate/b on east lantau. collectively, mui wo and tai o on lantau, cheung chau, lamma island and peng chau are more populated than the rest of the area of the district. ...
It gives the average wind speed for bWaglan/b Island (I'll assume it has similar conditions to the wind farm site) as 6.7m/s. (Second only to Tai Mo Shan among the locations they monitored); The project website uses the Vestas V90-3MW b..../b But the regulation applies to 'commercial buildings and bhotels/b.' As I've grumbled elsewhere, a strange quirk in our regulations ecourages bay windows in residential buildings, which are a bad choice if you're trying to minimise the OTTV. ...